Monday, November 10, 2008

Live like you were dying

So, I like to jam when I get ready in the mornings. Today the song "Live like you were dying" came on. Ok, so not your typical "jam" music. Anyway, I was listening to the lyrics and it got me thinking. We should live every day like we were dying.

The song starts with a man who found out he was dying, and he lists off all the things he does. It goes on with him saying that he hopes that we get the chance to live like we were dying.

What would you do?

Would you go do something extreme? Skydiving? Ride a bull?

Would you become the spouse you haven't ever been?

Would you forgive and love deeper than ever before?

Would you go on that long forgotten fishing trip with your son?

Since I have unfortunately had to deal with death throughout my life, this realization hits home with me hard. I certainly look at things different.

I need to make those phone calls I keep putting off to loved ones.

I need to write those thank you notes to let someone know they are appreciated.

I need to be more charitable.




The list goes on......

Live like you were dying.

because in reality we are.


  1. So true! Thank you for reminding us all how precious a gift we have in the time we are here on this earth.

  2. Very cool picture!

    I like that song. I heard it once.
