Sunday, December 14, 2008

Giveaway Bonanza!!!!

1) Ok up first we have a Super-CALLY-fragalistic giveaway over at Calico.

She is a super talented friend of mine that is giving away some of her wonderful creations! Check her out! Click here.

2) Next we have MerMag. She is an awesome illustrator/artist who is giving away a PERSONAL PORTRAIT of your choice. Wow, how cool is that! Click here to check it out!

3) Finally, this is a site I ran across through a friends. DesignMom is having a twelve days of Chirstmas giveaway event! They have TWELVE different giveaways! Check out their site to see all of them! Great stuff! Click here.

I love FREE, I love GIVEAWAYS!! Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Crystal,
    Love the blog! So cute. So cute, in fact, that I ripped that song right off of your playlist. I hope that you don't mind, but it was too sweet to pass up!
