Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Birthday and a Baby Shower.

Yeah, I'm double posting.
What can I say, lots going on!
Well my little boy turned 3........unbelievable.

We had a Bounce house party with lots of his friends, and on his actual birthday we fixed him a special breakfast!

You can NOT go wrong with Mickey Mouse Pancakes!!
Even more presents to open!!

Happy Birthday my sweet little boy!!!!

Even though I was supposed to be on bedrest........I went to my baby shower!!!

Funny, my baby shower for Connor had a gorilla on the cake......hmm.....
Are they trying to say something here??

Of course my little helper was right there the whole time opening more presents!

Baby Bingo.....A new fun way to play. I would open a gift and it would have a bingo number on it that I would call out.

Every one brought a pic of themselves when they were a baby, and we had to match them up. Really cute!

Alice gave out really great prizes for the games too!!!

Literally the only pictures I have of me pregnant with Riley!!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe Connor is 3!!!! I remember you pregnant with him! You look so beautiful Crystal! All belly. Too cute!
